What We Do

Disabling Barriers Scotland is a Not for Profit Group with a focus on assisting aspiring solicitors with a disability to gain access to the legal sector, remove obstacles faced by lawyers with disabilities throughout their legal careers, and celebrate the successful careers of lawyers with disabilities.

In January 2024, Disabling Barriers Scotland became a registered charity (Registration Number SC053043). Our organisational purposes as set out in our charity constitution are:

  1. the promotion of equality and diversity through:
  • creating a network of solicitors and legal students with a disability or health condition. We provide a group setting offering peer to peer support through discussion, practical advice and guidance and awareness raising.
  • providing an anonymous point of contact to raise issues regarding work related difficulties and to offer assistance or advice where possible.
  • hosting roundtable discussions focusing on sharing ideas on best practice.
  • the advancement of citizenship and community development:
  • by promoting civic responsibility and advocating for the removal of barriers that may exclude a person with a disability or health condition from entering or sustaining a career within the Scottish legal profession.
  • the advancement of education through
  • hosting events to discuss how particular health conditions and disabilities can be managed within the workplace
  • supporting school, college and university students with disabilities or health conditions through their education and into a successful legal career. 

We have also hosted insight events including; vasculitis at work, Endometriosis UK and a wellbeing event with LawCare. We regularly work with the Law Society of Scotland on outreach events and engage with Universities across Scotland to speak with aspiring solicitors. We are proud of the community that we have created and would welcome you to join us.

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